Pull API Documentation - Location Line-Up


Normal queries (live departures)
Normal queries filtered to a location
Queries for all services on a specific date
Queries for services on a specific date and time

You can append /arrivals to any of these endpoints to retrieve info about arrivals. You can apply the to/from filtering to any of the endpoints, they must be before any date/time modifiers.


Parameter Details
station required CRS or TIPLOC
toStation optional CRS or TIPLOC
date optional In format yyyy/mm/dd, example: 2013/06/14
time optional In format hhmm, example: 0810 or 2315

Output values

Parameter Default Details
location - LocationDetail object detailing the location searched for
filter null LocationDetail objects detailing the location searched for, nested within from & to properties
services - Array of LocationContainer containing the location information and service metadata
Location Container
Parameter Default Details
locationDetail - Contains the Location object containing details about the location itself, details below.
serviceUid - Contains the service identifier for this service, paired with the run date this will always be a unique identifier. Service UIDs use the following regex pattern [A-Z][0-9]{5}.
runDate - Contains the running date of this service, based on its departure time from the first origin. In format YYYY-MM-DD.
trainIdentity detailed - The train identity that this service was planned to run to. FOC operated services will always show as FRGT.
runningIdentity as previous Identifies the current running identity of the service.
atocCode ZZ The two character identifier, as used by ATOC, to identify the service operator, example: SW
atocName Unknown Service operator, example: South West Trains
serviceType - Contains the type of service this is, bus, ship or train.
isPassenger - boolean output determining whether the service is a passenger service or not
plannedCancel false boolean output determining whether this service was a planned cancellation. A planned cancellation is one not advertised, at all, for operation on that day and a service with this should be disregarded - it is the equivalent of the STP indicator 'C'.
origin - Array of Pair objects forming the overall origins of the service, detailed further down. Only appears if the service has experienced an en-route cancellation.
destination - Array of Pair objects forming the overall destinations of the service, detailed further down. Only appears if the service has experienced an en-route cancellation.
countdownMinutes - Number of minutes until expected departures, currently present only on 'high frequency' metro services - operated by London Overground and Merseyrail.
Parameter Default Details
tiploc detailed - TIPLOC of the relevant location, example: WATRLMN
description - Text name of the relevant location, example: London Waterloo
workingTime detailed - Relevant working time for this location for the activity that this pair is performing. If it is in the context of an origin, it will be a departure time - for a destination it will be an arrival time. In format HHmmss, example: 150330.
publicTime - As workingTime but for the advertised public times. In format HHmm, example: 1503.
Parameter Default Details
realtimeActivated false Details whether this service has been activated for realtime information
tiploc - TIPLOC code for the location, example: WATRLMN
crs null CRS code for the location, example: WAT
description - Text name of the relevant location, example: London Waterloo
wttBookedArrival detailed null Working Timetable arrival time of the service at this location, in format HHmmss
wttBookedDeparture detailed null Working Timetable departure time of the service at this location, in format HHmmss
wttBookedPass detailed null Working Timetable passing time of the service at this location, in format HHmmss
gbttBookedArrival null Public Timetable arrival time of the service at this location, in format HHmm
gbttBookedDeparture null Public Timetable departure time of the service at this location, in format HHmm
origin - Array of Pair objects forming the origin of the service as at this location
destination - Array of Pair objects forming the destination of the service as at this location
isCall detailed false boolean output as to whether this service calls at this location. This is set as true even if the service ends up non-stopping this station for whatever reason.
isCallPublic simple false boolean output as to whether this service makes a public call at this location. This is set as true even if the service ends up non-stopping this station for whatever reason.
realtimeArrival null Expected or actual arrival time of this service, in format HHmm
realtimeArrivalActual false Always appears if realtimeArrival is also present. Boolean output stating whether this is an actual or expected time. If true, actual - if false, expected.
realtimeArrivalNoReport false If set as true, this means that the train has already arrived at this station but no report was received, and a later one has been
realtimeWttArrivalLateness detailed 0 If the service has an actual time, a lateness in minutes will be provided based from the WTT time. Positive values mean the service was late, negative values mean the service was early.
realtimeGbttArrivalLateness 0 If the service has an actual time, a lateness in minutes will be provided based from the public timetable time. Positive values mean the service was late, negative values mean the service was early.
realtimeDeparture null Expected or actual departure time of this service, in format HHmm
realtimeDepartureActual false Always appears if realtimeDeparture is also present. Boolean output stating whether this is an actual or expected time. If true, actual - if false, expected.
realtimeDepartureNoReport false If set as true, this means that the train has already departed this station but no report was received, and a later one has been
realtimeWttDepartureLateness detailed 0 If the service has an actual time, a lateness in minutes will be provided based from the WTT time. Positive values mean the service was late, negative values mean the service was early.
realtimeGbttDepartureLateness 0 If the service has an actual time, a lateness in minutes will be provided based from the public timetable time. Positive values mean the service was late, negative values mean the service was early.
realtimePass detailed null Expected or actual passing time of this service, in format HHmm
realtimePassActual detailed false Always appears if realtimePass is also present. Boolean output stating whether this is an actual or expected time. If true, actual - if false, expected.
realtimePassNoReport detailed false If set as true, this means that the train has already passed this station but no report was received, and a later one has been
realtimeWttArrivalLateness detailed 0 If the service has an actual time, a lateness in minutes will be provided based from the WTT time. Positive values mean the service was late, negative values mean the service was early.
platform none The expected platform that this service will use at this location
platformConfirmed false boolean output - if this is set to true, then the service has used/will use the platform stated
platformChanged false boolean output - if this is set to true, then the service has changed from the planned platform
line detailed none The expected line that this service will use at this location
lineConfirmed detailed false boolean output - if this is set to true, then the service has used/will use the line stated
path detailed none The expected path that this service will use at this location
pathConfirmed detailed false boolean output - if this is set to true, then the service has used/will use the path stated
cancelReasonCode null If this service is cancelled at this location, this will be populated with a two character cancellation code which can be cross-referenced with the Delay Attribution Guide.
cancelReasonShortText null Short text reason detailing the reason for the cancellation
cancelReasonLongText null Long text reason detailing the reason for the cancellation
displayAs - Values that can appear in this field are CALL, PASS, ORIGIN, DESTINATION, STARTS, TERMINATES, CANCELLED_CALL, CANCELLED_PASS. ORIGIN and DESTINATION represent the original origin & destination of a service. If STARTS or TERMINATES appear, then this means a service has started short or terminated en-route - the original origin/destination will show CANCELLED_CALL.
serviceLocation null Values that can appear in this field are APPR_STAT (Approaching Station), APPR_PLAT (Arriving), AT_PLAT (At Platform, as referenced in platform), DEP_PREP (Preparing to depart) and DEP_READY (Ready to depart).


If the requested service cannot be found, a HTTP 404 will be returned.


The following example contains all fields that may appear in an output, and does not deal with the separation between simple and detailed views.

   "location": {
       "name": "Bournemouth",
       "crs": "BMH",
       "tiploc": "BOMO"
   "filter": null,
   "services": [
           "locationDetail": {
               "realtimeActivated": true,
               "tiploc": "BOMO",
               "crs": "BMH",
               "description": "Bournemouth",
               "wttBookedArrival": "011630",
               "wttBookedDeparture": "011830",
               "gbttBookedArrival": "0117",
               "gbttBookedDeparture": "0118",
               "origin": [
                       "tiploc": "WATRLMN",
                       "description": "London Waterloo",
                       "workingTime": "230500",
                       "publicTime": "2305"
               "destination": [
                       "tiploc": "POOLE",
                       "description": "Poole",
                       "workingTime": "013000",
                       "publicTime": "0130"
               "isCall": true,
               "isPublicCall": true,
               "realtimeArrival": "0114",
               "realtimeArrivalActual": false,
               "realtimeDeparture": "0118",
               "realtimeDepartureActual": false,
               "platform": "3",
               "platformConfirmed": false,
               "platformChanged": false,
               "displayAs": "CALL"
           "serviceUid": "W90091",
           "runDate": "2013-06-11",
           "trainIdentity": "1B77",
           "runningIdentity": "1B77",
           "atocCode": "SW",
           "atocName": "South West Trains",
           "serviceType": "train",
           "isPassenger": true